Saturday, July 3, 2010

"Doom Mates" Episode 52: "Back Up Plan"

Dante is pissed since no one will get rid of Dantrell's body so he calls in help, Pretty Ricky gets pissed, and we get inside Dante's head for a moment.


  1. Damn it! I just scrapped my comments!

    This was another fabulous, multi-layered bahklava of Doom Mates goodness. Many thanks to Dantrell for adding the creep factor and coming through in a pinch. Jason was really cool this time. I realize he has no spoken lines, but his eyes express volumes.

    The scene inside Dante's head seemed like an accurate portrayal of what actually goes on in there. Made sense to me. I'd go so far to say that I wouldn't be surprised if my brain operated like that, too, with characters who possess certain characteristics that rise to each and every challenge. I'd better stop now because I'm starting to sound like "Sybil."

  2. I'm sure we all have a assload of versions of ourselves. But I doubt bumping our heads would bring them out. I think. Hmm.

    And the scene at the end will make sense in a few more episodes.

  3. The scene featuring Billy Ocean?

  4. The scene featuring Billy Ocean?

  5. Yes. It will make sense later. Its gonna be fun.
