This episode is a two parter, ya'll. In the first half I talk about a list me and Camille made about things you shouldn't be doing as you head towards 30 years of age. The second half is about even more strange things I did while working at the hospital. I also debut my new into music. Click here to download this and older episodes. Enjoy!
1 comment:
Great theme for a podcast! I listened to it twice it made me laugh so much. 1: agreed. 2: unless it's a stone cold classic, and few tattoos are. 3: agreed. 4: agreed, but wouldn't mind being hollered at now that I'm over 30, just to reassured that random assholes still fancy me (j/k) 5: agreed, ew. 6: ehhh...I regret not dressing ridiculously as a teenager and in my twenties, so I'm not sure about this. I need to get it out of my system at some stage. 7: AGREED. People look better in clothes that fit. Why is this a problem for people, particularly girls? I have a friend who's very large (by Irish standards) who always dresses her size, and she looks cooler than all the slightly chubby girls who dress a size too small. She also has a great sense of style. I think the two go together.If you have a flair for looking good, you will wear clothes that fit. 8: oh GOD yes. I hate poor diction and poor spelling. I admit I'm kinda anal but clarity is so important. 9: that's a rule for every age, but it's so damn hard. 10: agreed.
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