In this episode I talk about African chicks having babies when they have no vagina, crazy ass people on the bus, PETA using Tiger Woods in their ads, strange plays at UCLA with my best friend, The Hurt Locker being needy, being anti-love, and funny ass Old Spice commercials. Click here to download the show or click here to download the show and subscribe through iTunes. Enjoy!
I tasted coffee for the first time aged 29. I only started drinking coffee when I moved to France because an espresso cost €2 and tea cost €4.50. Easy decision to make when you're on an English teacher's salary. I still can't drink an actual cup of coffee, it upsets my tum, delicate little hoozle that I am. And I refuse to ever try instant coffee. Ugh.
I love your impersonation of the actor asshole. I could see him in a Family Guy-style animation. Hehe. I think I need to work on a pompous talking-about-wonderful-me speech. Okay maybe not.
You used to play piano? I wanna learn! I inherited a Korg M1 keyboard and intend to learn in the summer, when work slows down.
yeah, really bores me. Which is kinda sad. Hahaha 'Can I have a relationship now? No! I think I'm broken!'. Oh thank you. That made my afternoon. I'm not quite on the anti-love bandwagon yet though.
ooo, John Morrison is hot. One of the rare hot guys in WWE. Helloooo!
What do you mean 'Only in Africa!'. Two guys fighting over a girl with no vagina is funny...but presumably if if you're seeing a girl with no vagina, you're guaranteed blowjobs. I think lots of guys would be happy to settle for that. hm.
I used to drink coffee when I was little. My grandpa would let us put so much sugar it turned light brown. I'd be bouncing off the walls on the playground. Tea was like a delicacy, even terrible tea. I thought it tasted bad because I wasn't cultured. And instant coffee is the devil.
One of my teachers, Mr. Lee, would let me play piano after school when I was 7. My mother doesn't trust people so she made me stop going. I have a keyboard I never touch. Boo...
I'll slow down the anti-love bandwagon for you in case you wanna catch up. I had an awesome conversation about it last night.
The African chick was giving a blowjob. But sadly that doesn't mean its guaranteed. If you have a mouth it should be guaranteed whether you're a chick or a dude but there's still folks running around denying it to their partners. Fail!
Sheesh. My parents trusted me to everyone. It takes a village to raise a child? In my case, it was a town of drunks and mad old women that raised me.
Up until about 15 years ago, instant coffee was the only kind you could find in Ireland, even in cafés and restaurants. We drink more tea per head than any other nation in the world, but it's not the refined type of tea, it's a mixture of black teas. Most Irish people couldn't name an actual type of tea, we just know the brand names of two or three Irish companies. In the west and south, we drink Barry's, in the east (Dublin!) they drink Lyons, and the poor divils in the North drink dreadful British/international tea like Typhoo and Tetley and Lipton. Eugh. I always bring my own tea when I go up North.
Hmmm, now there's a question: should you remain in a relationship if you're sexually frustrated?
I have remained in more than one relationship while being sexually frustrated. Its just when that plus SOMETHING ELSE gets piled on I cant handle it.
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