In this episode I talk about Chris Brown not getting radio play and crying about it, R&B singer D’Angelo getting arrested for picking up hookers, No Cursing Week, sushi spot that served whale, my pet peeves, chicks fighting over bridal gowns and prom dresses, candy, ordering food in groups, Just For Men commercials, and an old broad thinking I am my best friends father. Click here to download the show or click here to download and subscribe through iTunes. Enjoy!
I can't remember doing fire evacuations at school. I strongly suspected we never had any. Not even sure if we had fire alarms. The school was evacuated once thanks to a bomb scare (it was during the Troubles in Northern Ireland) and the teachers figured it was a hoax (it was) but decided to evacuate anyway. Rumour had it some of the boys at the local high school had called it in to get their girlfriends a half day.
You still only take a dump at home, right? This doesn't bode well for future travel propects, Dante. You will be forever tied to your toilet by a pooey umbilical cord unless you start gently training yourself to the idea of taking a dump elsewhere. Fear not the outside toilets. Just fear them if they're outside. I bet I've done it virtually everywhere it's possible to do so. Except the desert, or the Arctic or the top of a mountain...okay, maybe not everywhere. Maybe I should make a list, going to each place to take a dump, and tick them off the list
I hate that looking-for-your-wallet-at-the-cash-desk thing, but I have to admit, when I'm really tired, I do that. And it drives me crazy when everyone else does it. Bad Hoozle.
Irish people always ask are you sure, so I'll probably be doing that a lot when we meet. Be nice to me when I do. Or I'll get Irish on your ass. I don't know what that means.
Oh, these millennial kids ARE all special. Not just their parents, but society tells them so. Everyone gets a trophy. Nobody fails. And I get to work with them and tell them that they can't have everything they want just because they've got good grades, money and a TERRIFIC attitude. Sometimes I hate my job. Today it's not so bad.
Haha, sleepy Dante-voice! Oh that K Mart story is hilarious.
Hmmm...I think you may be overthinking the Just For Men ads a smidgen.
I actually like the partly-covered grey hair look. Too much grey looks old on most men, in a bad way, dyed hair looks worse, but half in half works for me. Weird, I know.
We always treated fire drills and earthquake drills like a joke. There was never a fire.
I have gone number 2 3 times outside my house. I actually talked about this at work today when bitching about the bathrooms at work.
Yes, bad Hoozle! have your wallet ready or I'll smack your ass if I'm stuck behind you in line. Pervy threat FTW!
I'll be nice when we hang out. I think. Yeah. I will.
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