In this episode I answer Reinard's questions once again including what I would do if I banged the kings daughter and what I would do with my clone. I also talk about hanging with Julie for her birthday and the Fairfax crew and grunion hunting with Camille. Oh, and I destroy a village "Old Boy" style! Enjoy!
Buses sound very stressed in LA. Gosh. Dublin Bus is awful in terms of the service, but the passengers tend to be chilled out. Sure what can you do about anything when you're on the damn bus? I used often get horrible men pressing various bits of their anatomy against me in the Paris metro. I always made sure to crush their toes as I got off the train. Never had to nerve to actually tell them to fuck off though. :(
Ok so you need a mentally deficient clone of yourself that you can boss around. So if you do get cloned, bonk him on his just-forming skull and hope for the best.
I'll end up bashing the part of his barin that makes him even angrier so I'd just stick with trying to be his friend. And also making sure he never gets near my girlfriend. Maybe ensure he has no genitals or scar his face so she knows which is which.
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