In this episode I talk about the good, the bad, and the stutardedly ugly that can occure when drinking. Specifically when I, your host, Dante drinks. I also talk about the free care deal at the Forum, and why I think I have no game whatsoever when it comes to the ladies. Enjoy!
the thing about you babe is that there is something about you that is "inviting" or welcoming. your a pleasant person to be around and its not hard to get comfortable around you. so when women see you (regardless of how you see yourself) they'll be interested and want to start a convo.
once you get past the shy part then everything its all good! =) lol i know you said your not shy.
Because I'm not. I didn't know that I was pleasant. Thank you. Inviting? Hmm. Not so sure about that one. Where were all these women when I was in school?! Dang planet...
It's really sad that poor or unemployed people can't afford healthcare in the US. It's a basic right. I don't get it.
I just discovered that my mother and her sister, the only two girls on that side of the family, are both called 'Mary'. Honestly, Catholics. *rolls eyes* My mother, Mary Theresa, goes by Mary, my aunt, Mary Bridget, goes by Breda. My father's side of the family have an even more ridiculous relationship with their names.
I mostly avoid drinking for much the same reason -family alcoholism. It worries me a bit that I can knock back the cheapest roughest vodka no problem when my friends who drink regularly can't without gagging. Of course, one shot and I'm absolutely scuttered, but still.
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