Friday, June 20, 2014

Not The Bad Boy

Bad boys. Women love 'em. Men wanna be 'em. I have to admit that at one time in my life I wanted to be bad. It was around the age of 12 or so after my “girlfriend” dumped me for an older (14) boy that had a bad reputation. I didn't have a bad reputation. I was known for being a nerd, weird, smart, or strange. Never bad though. To be bad you had to be in a gang, known for being surgical with your fists, or had sexual experience of some sort. At that age I had only grabbed a tit through a shirt...which sadly is more action than I get now.

What got me to thinking about bad boys is this guy that has been all over TV, the internet, and every form of social media. This criminal Jeremy Meeks is the current holder of all the stupid vagina. I say stupid because no woman in her right mind would want to be with a guy that has his lifestyle and criminal record. They shouldn't but they do. Why? Because women like bad boys.

I was talking to my mother earlier about this guy. I told her that he is the personification of my worst nightmare. You know the way that fat chicks hate skinny bitches? This guy represents everything I couldn't be since I was born in this body with this face.

Don't get me wrong. I am fine with my face. I don't have anything particularly strange going on with it. I don't have any scars or weirdness happening. But if you put me next to a light skinned dude who is a 4 on a scale of 1 to 10 chances are he will beat me out every single time. And the eyes? Come on. Women would attack me for fear of me getting some of my looks on him.

But this isn't just about this guys looks. Its also about this whole bad boy nonsense. I have told friends that the male version of this is the crazy chick. Crazy chicks are fun...for sex. We know that we shouldn't be in relationships with them but as men we don't want any other guy fucking them so we start dating what should have been a one night stand or story we talk about like “I was with this chick last night that did not have the word 'no' in her vocabulary.” Instead it becomes “Yeah, I can't come. She locked herself in the bathroom with all the knives and a microwave. Yeah. See you all some other time…”

But when women date the bad boy the effects are far more dangerous because there is a ripple effect that is caused. Let's say you date a woman that has dated a bad boy. Fuck it. I'll use me as an example. I have had girlfriends that have dated bad boys in their past. Hey. Here comes Dante. He doesn't do drugs, barely drinks, no kids, usually has a job. Sure, he doesn't drive and for whatever reason doesn't use a cell phone. But he takes care of himself, is clean, and knows how to do a woman's hair and nails. He's way different than the last two guys I was with.


Now. When a woman likes bad boys and then gets with my ass they don't adapt. If he cheated on them then, by god, so will Dante. Right? Nope. Bad boy used to fight and argue with me all the time. Sometimes he would even slap me around to show that he loved me because it isn't really love if there isn't some pain involved. Right? Nope. I'm mad and yelling but Dante is just staring at me like I'm crazy. I knew it! He's cheating! Nope. I am quietly judging you.

I'm not gonna say that I am a good guy because I think a lot of awful shit. But I am fair. I'm not gonna get into a shouting match. I doubt any of my friends can even say that they have heard me yell. Not gonna hit a chick. I don't have that kinda drama in my life and chicks that are into bad boys are used to that. They probably had men in their life that they grew up around that acted like bad boys and had women raising them or around that always had bad boys around. Crazy becomes the new normal faster than most of us realize.

I didn't want to be a bad boy for any noble reasons. It was purely for the benefits that come with being one: the women. I have no desire to experience all the other bullshit that comes with it like being in a gang, jail, and danger. Fuck that. But being my size and race has led people to thinking that I was some sort of bad boy (meaning possibly/likely criminal) but without the whole women getting aspect. After 35 years in this vessel and behaving the way I do, I think I'll stick with being the guy that doesn't get the girl over being the guy that gets the girl but has weapons charges.  

1 comment:

Hoozle said...

I just think he's creepy looking.