Monday, August 10, 2009

Rosscast Episode 45: I'm Just Big Boned!


I answer some listener questions and ramble for quite a while about hypocrits in regards to religion. I also talk about good places to eat and why dogs are smarter than children. Special thanks to Jess, Kiyoshi, Hoozle, Reinard, Njeri, and Julie for listening to my rambles every week! This is fun. Remember to keep 'em coming. Enjoy!


Hoozle said...

Hey, I got a shout-out! Yay!

So tell us about your perfect burger...I love burgers. Some gourmet burger places have opened here in Dublin in the last two or three years. Nom. I don't much like burger buns, so I love the Quick! chain's toast burger...yes, a beef patty served in toast. It's lovely. Hard to believe that a Belgian chain of all things does a good burger.

What a French dip sandwich...?

And why Canada? C'mon, you can't just leave it at that. I'd love to visit Japan too, I was offered to join friends on a trip in March but that's my job's travel time, so I had to be in Ohio, Kansas and Alabama while my friends were swanning around Tokyo and Kyoto and Hokkaido....gah.

24 hours as a woman...LOL @ peeing for that one last minute. It's not that interesting, honest.

Bible-bashers give Christians a bad name. It's sad. Jesus had his own issues with people who went through the motions of being religious. I guess it's human nature. Kill them all!

Dante said...

My perfect burger does not fall apart when I eat it. That's something that bugs me about some food places. You pick it up and it just collapses. I also hate too much of any sauce on it and bacon that is either burnt or too small.

That place Johnnie's I mentioned has an amazing burger and since it uses a different type of bread actually does not get siggy if you eat it the next day. Its the only place where you can save a burger and its good later.

I'll do an entire Rosscast about food one day soon.

Anonymous said...

I COMPLETELY agree with the Wendy Williams sentiment. I never understood that whole hot mess. Loved the comments on heaven and hypocrisy, and I'd even have to agree with the pirates vs. ninjas answer. Pirates will make ya say "ARHHHHH!" just for giggles! But I HAVE to know, what was that song you were playing at the beginning of the cast?