Being a grown up sucks and can be a bag of dicks if you do it wrong. But it rules
sometimes. Like when I can sit up in bed eating a bowl of cereal at
1am without anyone talking shit. But for the most part its a terrible
series of tragedies that come one after another. If you are an adult
and don't know someone with cancer, has had a childhood friend die,
or been in a car accident I wonder how you can read this blog post
from your shack in the woods.
This post will have nothing to do with
giving tips on how to be an adult. Its just a list of shit that I
wish they had taught in school. I mean, you would think that a prison
that they make you go to from the ages of 5 to 18 from 7am till 3pm
would take at least one day out of the week to explain to you how the
world actually operates. Trust me. All the shit I learned about
Prohibition, The Civil War, and the periodic tables don't mean shit
to me unless I'm watching Jeopardy.
Mind you, not everyone has the issue
that I'm gonna write about. If that is the case you can just move
along now. Seriously. I won't hate you. I'm sure Buzzfeed has a
totally interesting article about cats or some show that social
justice warriors love. I'll be here talking to the rest of the
uncivilized world about a few things they never bothered to cover in