Above is the image of a child drowning
on dry land. She is Rachel Steigerwald, one of the students from
Desert Vista High School of Arizona that I wrote about previously that for whatever reason thought it'd be cool to wear shirts that
spelled out “Ni**er.” She stepped up during a rally regarding
civil rights to apologize for her actions. It didn't turn out so
“I have come here to say that I am
incredibly, incredibly sorry. I have love for everyone in my heart. I
am not a racist and I'm asking everyone for forgiveness.” School
officials are pissed about the photo as well as thousands of other
people around the world. Change.org has set up a petition to get all
the girls expelled and has over 40,000 signatures so far. I'm not
angry so much as disappointed with all six girls and the person that
took the photo. They also want the principal, Christine Barela, to
resign for giving the girls just a five day suspension.
As of last year the school had 66%
White students and 7% Black. The Black Student Union says that the
picture does not represent what their school is about. Workshops have
been started for students and the principal talked to them about what
happened. And the last thing that girl should've said was that the
picture was taken for the boyfriend of one of the girls.