Monday, October 26, 2015

Just Talking With Dante Episode 1

For this random series where I'll just be talking to people in my life about random topics my first guest is my cousin Jasmine. This is her first time on any of my shows. We talk about our love of food, Thousand Island dressing, her recent trip to Bali and why that place of all places, my lack of traveling or treating Vegas like Vegas, where she plans to travel next, and my strong belief that I could land a plane if need be. Click here if you want to download this.


Unknown said...

My Mom just took me out to eat, this Saturday after she picked me up at the airport. After we got home, we realized that we left our fried chicken leftovers at the table...CURSES!

Dante said...

Jasmine enjoyed my reaction to forgetting my damned food. I almost did it a few weeks ago at Bludso's but the waitress stopped me. This time I just wandered on out without my pancake and bacon. Its depressing.