Sunday, September 23, 2012

Rosscast Episode 262: Wallowing In My Danteness

In this episode I talk about that NASA shuttle flying over the country for no reason, being sick of boring ass people, my Social Asperger’s Syndrome, a Bitches Be Crazy with a woman cutting a baby out of a lady, and a fan given Dude What The Fuck? that involves a double amputee being shot by cops. Click here for this and past Rosscast Shows. Enjoy!


Hoozle said...

I can't help thinking that the people who call you and complain about being bored or having no friends have a far worse case of 'Social Aspergers' than you do.

I hate when people call me to tell me the plot of a movie/TV series they've seen, I hate when people only contact me to share bad news, often news that isn't even theirs to tell, and I HATE when people call me to gossip about their friend's husband's asshole friends or whoever. If you want to talk about what you liked or disliked about a movie, great, I love hearing people's opinions. Just don't spent twenty minutes telling me every detail. Don't contact me if you're negative every time, I enjoy drama as much as the next person but really, haven't you any good news? Don't bore me with stories about people who are three times removed from my social circle -if you want to talk to me about a friend/frenemy because you're happy or upset or need to process something, that's cool, but don't bore me with shite about people I don't know and who you don't really know either.

Wheelchair warrior! There could be a Robot Wars-style TV show with angry amputees. Oh dear, I'm going to hell for that one.

I think Utah executes death row inmates by firing squad, ah those Mormons.

Dante said...

In the past year I've been able to stop dealing with people who contact me just to bring me down. I was talking a few days ago about how I think there is just too many other interesting things in the world to do than listen to bullshit from people.

There was that movie with dudes in wheelchairs playing hardcore basketball called Murderball. Be a bit hard with no limbs. I imagine it would look like a dare...from god.

I totally had to check the Utah's death penalty and they do still have firing squads, but only if they picked that way to die before 2004. Damn. That would suck if you wanted to change your mind.