Thursday, May 17, 2018

Grown Ass Man Tips: Periods

Periods get looked at two ways by dumb asses. You either think it is this week long time where women act crazy and over emotional. Or you can't bone down with them because they are bleeding (in which case get back to me when you become an adult). Even while looking for an image for this all of them are about guys tackling their girl because she is off her period or women crying or stuffing their faces. So what the hell is a period? First off, PMS (premenstrual syndrome) is not a period. All that shit that guys complain about regarding women during their period is the PMS part. During this time their bodies decide to attack the block in a number of ways. They get stressed out, weird cravings, crippling pains, bloating, mood swings trouble sleeping, constipation, and cramps that can range from not that bad but definitely there to wanting to rip their uterus out.

I will never pretend to know what it is like to have a period or accuse a woman of having one even jokingly. I grew up around way too many women I respected and hang out with ones to even have those kinda stupid thoughts. Not a lot of guys do and they say shit like “What's wrong? You on your period?” and wonder why they are on the ground and their lips hurt. You're probably wondering why blood is even involved. It's just the lining in their uterus shedding and it has to come out. It gets shed to possibly get ready to get pregnant. Sucks that their bodies don't ask first. So once the body is like “Another month, another not getting pregnant” it comes out. A ladies body goes through this jacked up and painful phases in preparation to possibly getting pregnant and when it doesn't it does it all over again in about a month.

All of that stuff sounds like it sucks and I can't even say I am glad it doesn't happen to me because I don't know what it is like other than hearing about it or reading about it. If anything happened to me downstairs every month that caused pain I'd be a miserable fucker every month. You couldn't not know that I was on my man-period. So the next time you get upset that your lady or a female friend you know won't get near your un-shaved dick or she is irritable because her body feels like it is eating itself alive just chill the fuck out and be nice to her. If she asks you to go get pads/tampons just do it. No woman asked for that feeling every month for decades.

Click here for previous Grown Ass Man Tips.

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