Sunday, March 24, 2024

Dating Advice From Someone In A Relationship That Barely Dated

I was chatting with my cousin this morning about dating after I sent her a funny video. It got me to thinking that I should write a blog post about how to date. I say this as someone with very little dating experience in my 45 years on this planet and zero game when it comes to talking to women. Let me be specific. Women I am attracted to. I will straight up let a woman walk right on past because I don't wanna waste her time. What I mean by that is that there are certain women where even if I find them attractive I feel as if I can not contribute anything to their life. I make this decision in a moment, by the way. But on the other hand 99% of my friends are women so I do have the ability to speak to them like a normal human being which is what most of them seem to enjoy. Not just talking to them because I want to take them to Bonetown, USA. Population: Us. I will try to break this down by men and what they should or shouldn't do and then the same for women. If you follow my instructions worse case scenario you end up with a new friend with no romantic connection that you will have to explain to a future girlfriend. "I assure you we never had sex!" God. I've had that talk more times then you could imagine. This information I use as examples is from listening to the women folk and from my own personal observations.