Friday, March 19, 2010

Rosscast Episode 143: Anger Management

In this anger filled episode I run down the list of goofy shit that people do that bother me which range from spitting to being general nasty asses, I have some listeners throw in some of their own, talk about old dudes punching kids with keys, Anna Nicole still not getting paid, Jessica Simpson’s show I didn’t know existed, Sandra Bullock’s husband possibly maybe cheating on her, and other random nonsense. Click here to download this and old ass episodes or click here to download and subscribe through iTunes. Enjoy!


Hoozle said...

I'm only halfway thru the podcast and I have tears running down my face from laughing. "'You only live once'. You don't know that! What if you wake up dead, you get reincarnated and you gotta do this shit all over again?". Oh God.

Dante said...

Thanks, H. Hope the second half rules.