Tuesday, September 21, 2021

The Enabler: "Good Cop" Part 2 Of 3


When someone such as Officer Lopez believes strongly in what he is doing, meaning law enforcement, they have a sense of power and control over someone, me for example, when that is as close to a lie as can be. Officer Lopez arrived at my place of business accusing me of murder when every piece of evidence shows that it was indeed an accident. Mentioning the incident with my brother, Maggie, and my mother.

My mother?

That was a bad move. If I were in his position that is information that would have been saved until a trial at the soonest. The fact that he had any information regarding her and could not contain it during our first meeting shows that not only is he not as professional as he believes he is, it also shows that he is excited and emotionally invested. One thing you should never be is emotionally invested in your job. There is no raise for it. This is more than a case for him to attempt to solve. This is a mission. I shall treat it the same. Sadly. For him. I do not take many attacks on me personally be they verbal or physical. But this time I am actively choosing to take it personal.

The client I'd previously mentioned as I walked to Soo/Leanne's restaurant that wanted to be a crime fighter? He's here. I need him to meet Officer Lopez. Just not right this moment. I head into the lobby and stare at the elevator door. I don't feel bad about what happened to Ira. Not sad either. Annoyed is closest to the feeling I'm having as I will either have to hire another secretary or use a temp agency and neither of those options are appealing right now. So what I will do instead is turn this client into my security.

There is a very small part of me that is doubting this is the right move and that this situation and plan could go sideways if I make the wrong move. I won't but sometimes it is fun to imagine a world in which I do not know the outcome of an event. The elevator door opens and he steps out. His name is Greg Simpson. He appears to be about 6 foot 6 and a former NFL player. He isn't but wishes he were. I've done my research on him.

Grew up in Oakland and moved to Los Angeles at the age of 4 but claims Oakland as the place he lived like a badge of honor. Played football until having his knees destroyed before his senior year of high school. Tried to play in college but racked up debt as no one would give a scholarship to someone with a dream and a limp. Currently works as a security guard at the very high school he attended. Believes he wants to fight crime and could do so with the proper push. Never mind proper training and equipment. In an odd twist of fate I believe he was able to contact me through Ira after he visited her restaurant and poured his heart out to her.

I can practically feel the desire to be more radiating off of him. Some would consider it inspirational. It isn't. It is sad to me. It makes you far easier to control and manipulate which is why you should never wear your emotions. He steps out of the elevator ducking his head when he does not need to and reaches out to shake my hand. He grips it way too hard and flashes a smile with a mouth full of blindingly bright teeth.

“I'm so glad you meeting with me” Greg says. He starts walking towards my office and I clear my throat. He stops and stares at me slightly annoyed.

“There's been a change of plans” I say. “In that room is an officer. Lopez. As you know I am currently under investigation.” Greg nods. “I am going to take you in there and you will speak freely and confidently. Whatever is said through those doors does not leave those doors whether Officer Lopez knows it or not. So we will talk as if he does not exist and this first consultation will be free of charge.” There goes that bright smile again. “How does that sound?” I ask not really caring. He was doing this whether he wanted to or not. He just didn't know it.

“Sound cool as fuck to me, man” Greg says. “But you said he a cop, right?” I nod. “What happens if I say some shit that, you know...?”

“Like I said. It doesn't leave that door” I remind him.

We head inside and Officer Lopez stands to shake Greg's hand. I give Greg a quick glance and he ignores the greeting and takes a seat. Officer Lopez stares at Greg and smiles. Greg just stares back at him. Something is off.

“I know you” Officer Lopez says. “Simms. Simmons.” He snaps his fingers. “Simpson! You Greg Simpson. You used to play football with my brother back in the day! They used to say you were gonna be the next OJ.”

“Let's hope not” Greg says. “Who you kin to? Juan? Ricardo?”

“Ricardo” Officer Lopez says as his voice lowers.

“What ever happened to him?” Greg asks. I know that this is the brother that Officer Lopez had arrested and is currently serving 30 years in prison.

“We lost touch” Officer Lopez says. I fight the smile creeping into the corners of my mouth. Normally some one would insert themselves into the conversation saying something like “Oh, you two know each other?” I don't. I let this play out and plan my next series of steps. Whether they know it or not these two are going to become close friends and also work for me. “So what are you here for?” Officer Lopez asks Greg while whipping out a notepad. He notices the look on Greg's face, smiles, and puts it away. Greg looks at me. I nod.

“I wanna fuck some people up” Greg says with a smile. “See, unlike you I can't be no cop. Don't like 'em. Don't trust 'em. And from what I remember you a snitch.”

“Now wait a minute...” Officer Lopez begins. This is going off the rails in a very not good way. I looked into each of their backgrounds but not enough to know that Greg went to school with Officer Lopez's brother let alone played football with him. I'm getting sloppy. No. I have been busy. There is a lot going on and some things slip through the cracks.

“So I got the services of Mr. Tatum here to give me enough nerve to do what you obviously ain't doing and that's fight crime!” Greg says while standing. It takes some effort. He knees are currently protesting his large frame. “Ain't that right?”

“I have a better idea” I tell him. He looks at me suspiciously. “I want you to work for me. Hear me out. As of late my life has become a bit more...complicated. Between the many accusations being levied against me and now the police showing up to my place of business with false information I need someone like you to have my back.”

“You want me to be security? That's what the fuck I'm doing already” he says as he begins to leave.

“You step out of that door you'll be making a terrible mistake” I say. Greg looks me up and down and leaves. This is surprising.

“I wouldn't take the elevator” Officer Lopez says with a smile.

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