Friday, May 24, 2013

Sonic The Hedgehog Is Felix The Cat

When I was little and we'd go and pick my mother up from work we would go past this Chevrolet dealership that had this giant Felix the Cat as their pitchman. Not really sure why. Its not like when I think of cars I picture a crazy ass cat that has a purse that he can pull anything out of. I wasn't a huge fan or anything but I liked seeing it whenever we drove by.

Just full of nonsense.

There are literally thousands of different cartoon characters in my head. But for some reason the only one I can draw is Sonic the Hedgehog. That's. It. 

Separated at berf...?

One day while playing Sonic on my monkey ass Sega Genesis I took a good long look at Sonic and it just clicked in my head that he and Felix the Cat look pretty damn similar. No, not similar. They are almost the same damned character. Look at the two of them! Tell me that isn't the same character! Sonic is just a thinner version of Felix. I know I cant be the only person to have noticed this. Or maybe I am. I haven't been sleeping well and my logic cant be trusted. 

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