Monday, January 7, 2019

Grown Ass Man Tips: Shaving

“I haven't shaved my legs!” is a battle cry I have heard over the years. Not in a long ass time but it is something I have heard in the past when it was not business time and I was just enjoying the fact that a lady allowed me to touch her legs. Not once in the time I ever got the opportunity to touch a lady leg did I think “Gee, I really hope she shaved her legs or else this shit is over!” Not. Once. Know why? Because I am a grown ass man and lady legs are the fucking bomb. For anyone new to this blog or my life I like legs. It is not a make or break thing for me but I appreciate the fuck out of a pair of legs whether they have been shaved or not. Right now best legs belong to Ashanti. Fight me. She can cornrow her leg hair and I would not care. I know that there are guys out there that will not go near a woman that has not shaved her legs or are turned off by some leg stubble but I am not one of them. I give no fucks. Check my pockets. No fucks. Guess why? Grown ass man.

Over time women have used all kinda crazy shit to get rid of leg hair. Tweezers, pumice stones, beeswax and sugar based waxes, walnut oil, bandages soaked in ammonia that came from cat pee, animal teeth, vinegar, lasers, and back in the day radiation. Straight up shit that made Godzilla women were using to get rid of some shit that is just gonna grow back. Yeah, lasers help get rid of it but its not like you go one time and its all done forever. I used to see these hair removal commercials on TV where women would marvel at their newly smooth skin. They weren't that hairy to begin with. Like lotion commercials where the folks aren't even ashy first. Bath with some Irish Spring, air dry, then show me that lotion application. To me not shaving your legs as a form of protest means nothing to me. Most protests are fleeting. “I am sick of shaving my legs to fit into social norms! Burn the machine! No more shaving!” Yeah...but nah. You're gonna shave something. I'm just saying for guys if you won't date a woman because of her body hair then chances are you will want a divorce when she farts. It's just hair. Deal with it.

Click here for previous Grown Ass Man Tips.

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