Sunday, December 13, 2009

Rosscast Episode 100: It's Always The Quiet Ones...

Holy shit! Did I really just record my 100th episode of The Rosscast?! Yes, I did!In this episode I answer a ton of listener questions, talk about trying to date like a normal person, sex, what porn I like, and a ton of other shit. I seriously cant name it all here. Thanks to everyone that has listened or spread the word about my Rosscast! Click here to download this and older shows. Enjoy!


Soap said...

You have a new look! Good episode. Congrats on 100. Pretty cool! Thanks for answering my questions. Eventhough we must discuss more about them. =) And, I'm glad I have helped you start painting and the concepts behind it. We will have to continue the art lessons! Because just like all the art forms you are using they are all therapeutic and great outlets!

Hoozle said...
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Hoozle said...

I listened to this podcast on a bus, bad idea, I hope my fellow bus travellers didn't think I was a nutjob for laughing.

But first, belated congrats on your 100th episode!

The backing vocals to the R. Kelly song crack me up. Genius. As for how a girl would react if you say you want to get them pregnant...hmmm. It could work. I have a theory. I'm basing this on my personal experience for what that's worth. I was with a guy for a long time who could not make a life decision. 'Would you like to have children some day?'. 'I haven't thought about it'. 'Would you like to buy a house?'. 'I haven't thought about it'. 'Would you like to move to another city or country?'. 'I haven't thought about it'. So, here I am, a single woman in her early thirties, biological clocking ticking loudly every so often, fed up with men who can't make decisions. So if a guy came up to me and said, 'Would you like me to knock you up?', I think a little part of me, the part of my brain with the evolutionary urges to procreate, would push for a yes. Even though I don't want children. Of course then my higher brain functions would take over and I'd probably wallop the guy. But there you, go, if you choose a thirtysomething childless woman, you have as good a chance as you'll probably get. Exploit the desperation!

Hoozle said...

First time I ever used a portaloo, I saw a bunch of guys trap their friend in one and knock it over. Ugh. I assume the guy was their friend, as that's too cruel a thing to do to your enemies.

About the age limit thing, you realise that by excluding younger women for reasons of TV and cereal, you're also excluding lots of hot foreign women. And just regular hot American women in the age group you mention-what girl watched Centurions??? Seriously, though I had no idea TV and cereal could be that important to anyone. You're an enigma wrapped in a riddle wrapped in an eccentric Black guy.

It was lovely to finally talk to you too...laughing at the idea of me being a kind of Majel Barrett-Star Trek computer voice person LOL -I think you were disappointed that my accent wasn't more leprechauny eh -did I sound like Sheamus O'Shaughnessy in your head prior to our chat??

Thanks for answering my question, I agree with pretty much everything you said. I never got my head around the noughties. :(

Yeah, I think it was the point where you started making crap sex noises that I started laughing out loud like a crazy woman on the bus. Oh dear God.

If you do get on a plane, and come to Dublin, I'll devise a Skulduggery Pleasant tour for us. Yay! If you're ok to use a portaloo, you'll get on a plane eventually. Psst...if one of the reasons you don't like getting on a place is that you don't like heights don't look out the window. :P

Travelling and working can be ok. Granted, I have a nice boss who tries to make sure I get a day on either side to adjust to the time zone and have some fun, but even when I'm doing a flying visit, it's interesting. Except for when I got to Ohio State last year -I got about 20 minutes between arriving in Columbus, doing my work, and getting back to the airport. That was crazy. Maybe this Spring I'll get to see the city. Er -yay.

Peter North? Never heard of him. And I'm going looking him up right now....

I got
"Peter North may refer to:

* Peter North (academic) (Sir Peter North), former principal of Jesus College, Oxford and Vice Chancellor of the University of Oxford
* Peter North (politician), Canadian politician
* Peter North (pornographer), the screen name of a pornographic actor, director, and producer"

Excellent. Anyway, I'm sure all three of them are jealous of your ethnically-enhanced penis.

Dante said...

Thanks, Soap. The painting thng is very fun and way more freeing than drawing. With painting I will just sit here and go at it as opposed to when I draw and I sit there erasing constantly and rethinking everything. Thanks for listening, homeslice.

Its never a good idea o listen to a show that can potentially make you laugh on public transportation. I've mde that mistake before. That R Kelly song is mess. I heard another one today while riding with my cousin where he talked about a girl making him feellike he was in church. That man is a mess.

The whole biological clock thing can make somewomen make bad decisions. Likedating uys that say they want to get them pregnant. I will never try that line as it would be a bold faced lie. I dont wanna knock anyone up. Maybe give smeone a caramel colored baby with red hair and bad viion. Sounds hot, huh?

If you promise to let me stay at yor plac I will come to Dublin and entertain all your friends with my shenanigans. And then I will sit around confused by everything you say. Your voice is cool though. Sounds like somethig out of a movie. I would love to have you say evil things with your accent. Next time we talk I want you to shout "Finish him!" I bet it would be awesome.

Peter North is a porn star. He cums like a friggin' horse. But I may be eual to him in other ways seeing as I'm as yu say "ethnically enanced." Hahaha! I seriously laughed when I read that.

Hoozle said...

Glad you laughed -most of my non-white friends would get mad if I said such a thing, and would swear at me in foreign.

I guessed your Peter North was the porn star, I just love that he shares his name with an academic (an Oxford academic at that) and a politician. Too funny.

I think I'd be less than a victim of my biological clock than the fact that a decisive man approached me. Combined with the biological clock though, I might be in trouble.

Hey, I have the comfiest sofa in Dublin. I know because I get exiled there every time my mother and sister visit. Hmph. Although you're tall so maybe it'd be less comfortable. I'm sure you'd work something out. I will practice thundering 'Finish him, begorrah'! until we speak next. Fun.

Dante said...

Ya, Gaelic screaming! I can sleep in a fetal position if that helps. I wont take up much space. Just dont go poking at me when I sleep. I start having 'Nam flashbacks and I'm not responsible for what I do after that. Go Rambo on you. Not Commando. That means no draws.