The thing that I don't like about the
outdoors is that nature is always hiding some weird shit from me.
Like this thing. It's called the Patagonian mara. For sure pick a
species. For sure you're a dog. For sure you're a rabbit. Either way
my ass is not going near this. It looks shifty. Like it could either
twitch its nose at you wanting some lettuce or start barking at your
ass. Definitely bark.
It can get two and a half feet big and weigh 35
pounds. Fuck that. It only has four digits on its front paws and
three on the back because nature likes funsies as much as the next
guy. Look at them legs. It's not structurally sound. If the mara was
a building I'd be afraid to go in it. Now I wanna know what sounds
this creature makes. If it doesn't bark its just pretending for the
cameras. I wrote about this freak a while ago.