Sunday, May 10, 2009

Rosscast Episode 11: Kids Are Dumb!


In this episode I discuss dumbass kids that choose to inhale and snort the tart candy known as Smarties. I also give some tips on child rearing including destroying all their technology and how to apply a back breaker to their laptop. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Hoozle said...

The last few seconds of the podcast cut out for me...I have no idea what the other horn of your dilemma was, so to speak.... :)

I don't believe most of what I've seen on Fox News. I'm not sure I believe the Smarties-snorting story either, it's too ludicrous, even by their standards.

I get to see a lot of the kind of parenting you talked about, the 'I'm my kid's best friend' style of "parentlng". It doesn't do anyone any favours in the long run.