Tuesday, November 19, 2013

"50 Stripes Of Gray" Part 3 of 5

Gary stared at Delvin not sure whether he should attack him or not. He walked over to his bed and immediately stood back up. Delvin's penis shook, not knowing what was going to transpire. Gary took a few deep breaths before finally sitting directly in front of Delvin on the floor with his legs crossed.

“So...you fainted?” Gary asked. Delvin nodded. “Why did you faint, if I may ask?”

“She started talking about small dicks or something and I think she made a move for me...”

“Wait wait wait wait” Gary said while waving his hands. “She touched your dick?”

“No” Delvin sighed. “I mean...she would have if I hadn't fainted. That's her job. To check out dicks that are sick. But she started saying things and the next thing I know I'm in a gown with an IV in my arm. It all happened so fast.”

“I see” Gary said while tapping his index finger to his bottom lip. Delvin knew that gesture and hated it because it meant that Gary was thinking. And when Gary thought Delvin usually ended up hurt, lost, or owing money. “You know what we have to do, right?”

“Find a new doctor?” Delvin asked hopefully?

“When did you become such a uterus?” Delvin asked. “Back in the day you got more pussy than a veterinarian. Now if a chick asks for your number your dick turns inside out and you grow tits.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I'm sorry” Delvin apologized. He sighed and slapped his thighs. “That is something I've always wanted to say to my dad and never got a chance to tell him before he died.”

“Your dad's not dead, Gary.”

“In my heart he is” he replied. “But enough about me. You need to march your diseased dick back into that hospital and tell that girl 'Hey, my name is Delvin! You need to fix this so you can suck this!' And then you can add a 'bitch' or two.”

“I'll never say that...” Delvin mumbled. “That's not even kind of how I talk to women.”

“But she isn't a woman” Gary said while tracing his fingers up Delvin's leg making him squirm and his penis confused. “She's a pornstar.”

“No, she's a doct--”

Pornstar” Gary finished.”A hot, Indian pornstar. There's only about four successful ones and she's one of them.”

“How did you find all of that out in the fifteen seconds you were at the computer?” Delvin asked. “Either way, I'm not doing it. I'm going to check my insurance plan and see if I can just go someplace else. This is way too stressful for me.”

“If you don't do it, I will” Gary said. Delvin raised an eyebrow at him. “All I need to do is get my dick sick, right? Stand up” Gary said while uncrossing his legs. He stood directly in front of Delvin with his hands to his sides.


“We're gonna dock” Gary stated.

“What is a 'dock'?”

“Its when two dudes jam their dicks together” he said while scratching his balls. “Gay guys do it all the time.”

“But I'm not gay.”

“Neither am I” Gary said. “But the only way to get some Indian pornstar ass is to get close to her and the only way to get close to her is to have sick dick. You see how good of a friend I am to you, D? Now drop trow.”

“I could ask her out for coffee” Delvin said.

“What did I just say about coffee?” Gary asked. “Now stop being gay and slam your dick against mine.”

“I'm not slamming my dick into you!”

“What are you? Some kinda pussy? Dock me.”


“I'd do it for you!”

“I'd never ask you to!”

“Then maybe you aren't as good a friend as I thought” Gary said and plopped onto his bed. His eyes began to water and he looked away from Delvin. Delvin reached for his arm and he pulled away, covering his mouth with his hand.

“I'll do it” Delvin said.

“Do what?” Gary sniffled.


“You will?”

“Yeah” Delvin said. “If you think it'll help.”

“Wow” Gary said. “You are one nasty fuck. Ew!” Delvin's jaw dropped. “You really think I'm gonna put my healthy cock near your gangrene one? Get the fuck out of here! You freak. Just be a man and call this bitch.”

“Don't call her a bitch.”

“Uh-oh!” Gary said while holding his hands up. “I think somebody has a crush! You know what? Have some coffee. It'll make your dick worse and then you can go see this pornstar slash doctor.”

“We haven't even made a plan!” Delvin protested.

I hurt...

“Look at you!” Gary said while pointing to Delvin's crotch. “You cant even raise your voice without your dick hurting. You've been pissing Campbell's chicken noodle soup for months now and you finally go take care of it and faint when a hot Indian pornstar mentions your dick to you. You're a mess.” Delvin's cell phone rang from his bedroom. Before he could react Gary raced to the room and snatched it off the dresser. “Ho ho ho! What's this?! Its the hospital.”

“Give me my phone” Delvin pleaded. Gary pressed the speaker button. Delvin bit his lip and squeaked. “Hello?”

“Is this Delvin?” Basir asked. Gary dropped to his knees and covered the phone with his hand while mouthing She sounds like she is down to fuck right now! “Hello?” she asked.

“Hey hi hello yeah it is Delvin I am Delvin yes” Delvin said quickly. Gary shook his head and tossed the phone to him. “Hello. How are you?”

“I'm good” she replied. “I have the results from your tests.”


“Yes” she said. “After you lost consciousness we did blood tests and I figured while you were here I'd finish what you came for. Should I not have done that?”

“No” Delvin said. “I mean..yes. Of course. Its your job! You're a doctor! That is your job to doctor...things. People. Patients.” As Delvin spoke Gary mimed running a hose from the door to the bed and sitting as if he were starting a car engine before inhaling deeply and keeling over. Delvin shoulders sagged.

“Well, would you be able to come in tomorrow to go over your results?” Basir asked.

“Yes...” Gary said lightly while flicking his tongue.

“Uh...” Delvin droned.


“Of course” Delvin said. “What time?”

“11am if that works for you” she suggested.

“Perfect!” Delvin squeaked. “I mean...cool. I'm down.”

“'Down'?” Basir chuckled. “Alright. Tomorrow. 11am. See you soon.” Delvin turned his phone off and began hyperventilating.

“I'd fuck her on the rag” Gary said. “And I don't do that with just any woman. Except your mom.”

“You're a pig” Delvin moaned.

“That's what your dad said after he caught me with your mom.”

“See, my dad actually is dead” Delvin said.

“How do you think he died?” Gary asked. “He saw what I was working with and knew he'd never be able to compete.”

“When in actuality he fell down an open manhole cover downtown.”

“Hey” Gary said while walking to the kitchen for more coffee. “Whatever your mom wants to call her pussy is her deal.”

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