Saturday, February 2, 2013

Rosscast Episode 272: So Many Questions!

In this fun ass episode I debut a new segment titled Shit Just Got Real and follow it up with a shit ton of Listener Questions including two related to Chris Brown and Rihanna, what I would do if I farted in front of a girl I liked, the sexiest thing a woman can wear, and any interesting scars I have. Thanks to everyone that asked questions! Click here to download this and previous Rosscast Shows.


Hoozle said...

Love your new profile photo AND your background photo. Your mad photo-editing skillz Yeah, I'm not going to try American slang again any time soon. Seriously though, great photos, they make your blog very professional-looking.

I have been listening to the Rosscast for a looong time. 2009 I think. You sent me a link to your blog via the Raven forums and I checked it out. And was highly confused, amused and slightly nervous.

That farting question really made me laugh. And reminded me of a time maybe ten years ago when my then-boyfriend came home trollied drunk, climbed into bed beside a sleeping me, released the most foul and obnoxious parp in the history of beer-and-junk-food farts. When I woke up choking and confused and fumbling to open the window, he blamed me for it. 'Yeah, that was you, hon'. I was so sleepy and oxygen-deprived that I remember thinking"....was it...?". Son of a bitch.

Dante said...

Don't worry. I'm not good at most slang and my ass was born here. When I say certain words it has to be forced and joking but when others say it its completely natural for them. "Mad" is one word I've never been able to make sound normal.

I think you've been listening or watching my stuff since 2008. Hahaha!

I had an ex point out that I had farted in my sleep. I just shrugged but she wouldn't let it go. I told her "You know I don't sleep heavy. You want me to count how many times you poot and tell you when you wake up?" She didn't believe me. I love that you were tricked into thinking you passed gas. So many words for flatulence!

Hoozle said...

I just went back to your earlier blogs and laughed and laughed at your proto-'Dante versus Nature' post on pandas. How can you hate on pandas?? The first blogs I remember distinctly are the I Make Movies and the Ask a Black Guy one. That was a loonnngg time ago.

My farts are delicate, gently perfumed like flowers and very ladylike. Actually apparently when I do parp, it sounds so weird that people assume it's a squeaky shoe. I have a high-pitched bottom. That was really mean of your girlfriend, holding what you did in your sleep against you! I once had a friend who was sleeping in my bed masturbate vigorously in the middle of the night while asleep. I'm glad I was sleeping on the floor that night. And no, I didn't tell her she did that.

Dante said...

Yeah, when I look at my older stuff I found a bunch of animal ones and just folks being stupid. I cant believe I've been keeping these things up for so long. And that you've been reading them. Hahaha! I got you!

I imagine that your gas has an accent...Wait. You had a friend doing what?!

Hoozle said...

Yeah that happened. Whenever we travel together I make sure we have separate beds. Of COURSE my gas has an accent. "prrrrp....begorrah! the hokey!".

Yep, you got me, you fascinating bastard. I'll keep reading and listening as long as you keep posting.