Friday, October 14, 2011

Story Behind The Photo 5

Look at the smooth ass skin! Like a little Halle Berry. But male. This was me at the age of 7. Look at how bright and open my eyes are. I still had hope. I remember this day so vividly because I absolutely had to stay clean! Usually when I went to school I’d race, climb on the monkey bars, and pretty much sweat like a nasty ass little kid. I knew I had to stay nice and clean for photo day. Photo day was the most important day of the year because if I got dirty I knew that would be my ass when my mother saw the photos. So my mission was to keep away from every other child in school until I took a picture.

So its time to get my photo on and I sit down. The nice little lady takes a brush and touches my flattop (at the time know as a Carl Lewis). She touched my hair! My hair was perfectly fine and she for whatever reason decided that a more pyramid shape was in order and fucked with my hair. You don’t touch a Black persons hair unless they tell you to. This is universal. My lips were dry and my collar was up. Just the one side. So there I am sitting there looking like I got jumped by the wind and they think its all fine and take the photo. Sons of bitches.

I eventually gave up on photo day. I had enough stress in my life without having to stay clean for a picture that was gonna come out all jacked up. I do have to point out how clear my skin is. Its beautiful. I remember a lunch lady touching my skin and saying how smooth it was. And look at my eyebrows. This is proof for you doubtful assholes who think that I pluck them. I have had these fucking things my whole life. You know what? Here’s another picture for the hell of it. I was 9 at this point and already a horndog. This was the last official school photo I took. I think I’ve had collar issues my entire life. See the eyebrows? Still the same. Big ass arched eyebrows.


Njeri said...

You're so pretty.

Dante said...

Why thank you, Ererer. I'd prefer "cute" but I'll take what I can get.