Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Parents Failing Hard 9

I'm all about parents sticking up for their kids. I am. But some parents take that shit to a whole 'nother level and its just not good for anyone. Teri Pallat, 39, of Iowa has a teen son who was being bullied and says that the school was doing nothing to stop it. That's not shocking. Schools tend to not really pay attention to shit like that. What is shocking is the Facebook post she placed stating things like her son would “shoot up” the school and “only get the ones that caused this. He is an excellent marks men.” If she is convicted she can get 5 years in prison for the terrorist threat and 2 for the harassment.

She also went on to write “And they asked why do people shoot up schools well this is exactly why and when our son does it cause I know he will they have nobody to Blame but the administration and I promise everyone he will only get the ones that caused this.” She ended up being charged with harassment and making terrorists threats. She ended up posting $10,000 bail.

Her wife (that is not a typo, stop being so suburban) Meredith Pallat posted on Facebook about a month ago as well saying “OUR SON IS BEING BULLIED. No one at the school sees it or will do a damn thing about it.” Her son, who is 15, has been suspended while police get their investigation on. He suffers from epilepsy and has been bullied for over a year. When interviewed by cops he said “he would in fact like to ‘hurt’ the bullies of which he listed ten names.” He said that he would never actually hurt the bullies and his mom agreed to have him evaluated. God forbid anyone ever asked me for a list of kids I hated in school and sent me to be evaluated. They would've had to hire a new counselor just to handle me.

While I applaud parents taking a step to end their sons bullying the way they went about it is all kinds of honked up. I know that telling the school won't do shit. Making veiled threats about how good their son is at using a gun is sure as fuck not a good idea especially with the school shootings that have occurred, one being just the other week a year after the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut. I would have went to the school and kicked the asses of every teen that fucked with my kid. But I'm not a parent so I have to use logic. I'd go to the police with my kid, explain the situation, and make things happen.

Being bullied sucks. I was bullied growing up and with every bully that messed with me I eventually fought and beat them. Later it became just shit talking but everyone thought I was crazy so they always stopped at a certain point. Having an older brother that was a gang member with a reputation for knocking people out helped. Kids nowadays get picked on over the internet and when it is in person the shit is always extreme.

Parents need to stop acting as if they don't remember how shitty school was. Especially these parents that are between 32 and 45 years old. We are part of the same group that had these strange ass parents that grew up with parents that made it through The Depression that taught us to tough shit out while making all the medications and drugs that so many people are addicted to right now. Things have changed. People have changed. The world has changed. What worked in the past no longer does. If I had a kid that was being fucked with at school by anyone my new job would be making that shit stop as soon as I knew about it.

Click here for previous Parents Failing Hard.  

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