Friday, December 20, 2013

Shit Just Got Real 10

Heather sent me this story where there is video showing a bus robbery taking place. Well, it kinda sorta did. On a Seattle Metro bus 19 year old Trevonnte Brown (these names, these names...) put on a nylon mask because he must've just watched a film about crimes in the 1960's and decided that it would be a great idea to start stealing shit from people.

So here he is with his gun and walking up to passengers snatching their cell phones from them. What bothers me besides the fact that a person needs only one phone, two at most so there's no need to be taking so many, is that people are fucking oblivious to what is happening around them. I have never been surprised by something happening suddenly on the bus because I get into full meerkat mode when I'm on it. Nothing is getting past me unnoticed!

I see you, bitch!

Everyone is just like “Oh, la la la! I'm on the bus and its just me there is no one else in the world but me and who I am talking to on the phone!” Asshats. So he is just walking down the aisle and taking shit. And since there is sound I know that people were fine with having their shit taken because no one was like “This muthafucka is phone snatchin'!” Nope. They jut laid there and took it like dirty, dirty whores. Oh, you like that, don't you? Yeah. Just take it.

Sorry. I was somewhere else for a minute.

Next stop on this bus? Pain Street.

So dude gets to this guy on his phone just minding his business like an ordinary citizen. But he isn't an ordinary citizen. This dude takes crime seriously. He looks up, sees a gun in his face, and goes fucking berserk on him! He grabs the gun and while tackling this asshole to the ground manages to put his phone away in his pocket on the way to the floor! As the wannabe crook is on the ground being wrapped up with what appears to be rope (Heather says it was earbud wires) he starts screaming about how they are hurting him.

Good, bitch!!!

"Stop! It hurts when you hit me with fists!"

A detective named Renee Witt said “Well, we advise people to do what they’re comfortable doing, we don’t encourage people one way or another, because you have to be comfortable trying to intervene or making contact with a suspect. Especially a person armed with a gun or a weapon. We remain neutral and just want people to be safe. We don’t encourage people to jump in and try to apprehend the suspect, and we don’t encourage people to stand back and do nothing. Just be safe, be a good witness, and that’s all we can ask for.”

You know what that means, right?

Trevonnte is being charged with one count of attempted first degree robbery and two counts of first degree robbery. He of course plead not guilty and is being held on $350,000 nail. One of the passengers on the bus talked about how action man grabbed the gun and put his finger in between the trigger so it couldn't be pulled. He did that! That is some cartoon type shit. If they said he had put his finger in the barrel and the gun backfired and killed the gunman.

I have to bring up something else I saw on this tape. There's this chick on crutches that bolts off the fucking bus. She comes back with another woman to kinda just get in the way and gather their shit, and at this point the crutches are just there for decorations.

Was she hurt and healed by the power of fear? Is she lying to some employer about her injuries? Either way she is a living miracle. Or a liar. But that isn't important. If you take anything away from this story its that friends like sending me crazy ass stories and that you need to pay attention when you are on the fucking bus.

Click here for previous Shit Just Got Real Posts.

Click here to buy Heather's book California King because its awesome. 

Click here for Five Things I Learned Riding The Bus.

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