I had a very good day today. I asked my sister face Cam if I could come to the library where she works. She said of course and I did. It started with me catching the bus and having the best luck I ever had and caught two buses and got to her place in less than 10 minutes. This has never happened. I get there and feel bad because I was expecting to get there maybe half an hour later than I did.
I killed time by chatting with her as she finished up and reading Entertainment Weekly where they had an article about the best heroes and villains in movies. Sharon Stone compared her acting in “Basic Instinct” to Magic Johnson’s playing with the Lakers. I tapped out at that point. We hopped in her ride and we were off.
We get there and I meet one of her co-workers. Her library was not as small as I had pictured. She gave me a tour and I liked the place. I hadn’t been in a library since high school so it was very weird. We sit in the back and I have some cheesecake while she heats up her food in a music microwave that played “Oh, Susana…” Very odd indeed.
More people showed up but there was one in particular I waited for. He showed up later but was toned down from what I’ve heard. I was a bit disappointed. I helped Cam by cutting out words and sticking them to magnets to help with poetry month starting tomorrow. She was worried about me being bored or her working me too much. I liked it. I felt useful. Later we headed to this place to grab some food. I believe it was called Tom’s. Cam got a cheese sandwich and I grabbed a burger and fries that were tasty as hell. While I waited I got my ass kicked at Tekkan 4. That game gets harder each time.
We eat in the break room and have some shaved ice with lemonade. I am pleased. Afterwards we get Cam’s set up ready for reading for the kids. It was so nice seeing her with these little kids. I hate kids as you all know but I appreciate people who work with them as well as she did. I watched for the most part and kept adjusting myself since my legs fall asleep in less than a minute. At 4pm it was time for a drum fest.
This dude named Mr. Chaz brought drums for all of us to bang on. The guy who was in charge of bringing this guy in and helping out didn’t. I think me and Cam did most of the work. He vanished. At first there were just us and some kid. Then we harassed and smiled kids into joining. Even some parents joined in. It was cool. For over an hour we banged on those things to the point where my fingers and right wrist still hurt a bit.
Now we had less than an hour until it was time to leave. The day seemed to fly by after 11am for some reason. We sat with one of Cam’s favorite little kids and played with her and some other kids. We have fun as I marvel at how this one toy has balls that stick to its inside (static I am told by Cam). We clean up and leave as Cam cheers with excitement because she can watch “The Tudors” on DVD.
We take off as I chew on some sour licorice and head home. Almost.
We get to the 99 Cent store and I get some stuff I have needed for a few days. I am eating my sunflower seeds right now and all kinds of happy. I thank Cam for a cool ass day and she thanks me. She doesn’t need to. She made me feel useful and I am looking forward to the next time I head back with her. Probably next Monday to help control the herds at the egg hunt. Wish me luck.
Oh, and I made Cam a little Pac-Man out of felt.
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