Ever since I was little I have had to watch these feed the children type commercials. If you’re home during the day (like my unemployed ass) you are bombarded with them. I love the happy, wealthy families they show that sponsor these kids. You send them a buck and some change, they send you a picture, and you paste it on your fridge and smile knowing you just allowed another child to live through hell in their country. Meanwhile your kid is upstairs sniffing glue and wondering why they hate you so much.
This is another case of throwing money at a problem and hoping it goes away. This reminds of a comedian (Richard Jeni) that was watching one of these commercials late at night.
"We're all a little bit hypocritical and we could all help people more than we do. You know you're sitting there watching TV, it's late at night. Then you hear: "For $9 a week, you could help this starving child." Everyone has the $9, but how do you not give it to them? You gotta rationalize it somehow. You just go, "Ehh that kid doesn't look that hungry to me. Shit he's got a bigger belly than I do. How you can you feed a kid for $9 a week, that's impossible! Shit a Low-Fat, Low Carb latte is $4.50. Whats that kid gonna do with 2 giant cups of coffee? I'm actually doing him a favor not giving him any money, because there's nothing worse than being wide awake and starving. You're welcome Haboopoo." Its true. I hate being hungry and wide awake.
The pope recently said that condoms would not solve the problem with kids in poor ass countries. Well, the condoms are more for stopping the spread of disease but the kids that are spawned from these unions are a bigger issue to me. I have always been puzzled by the fact that people are still having kids right now. If you know you cant feed a kid why have a kid? This seems like such a simple question. Maybe its because I am not crazy. My family wants me to have a kid. Could you picture me with a kid that depends on me to live?! It’s a terrifying thought. Stop having hungry ass babies, people.
Babies are fun. And when they grow up, if you did right by them, they can be great friends. And when you're old, they'll bring you cigarettes and alcohol, and produce children of their own that they can press-gang into doing your housework for you. Or so my family experience would have me believe.
I grew up in a poor, working class estate, and from the age of about 8, was warned obliquely about how having a baby would ruin my life and my opportunities and I'd end up living in a crappy house in a crappy estate just like the one I was growing up in FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE. (Yet no-one ever told me the facts of life to my face). This affected me so much that, despite being naturally maternal (I think...), I still see having kids as something that would be totally detrimental to my life, even as I see how my friends' lives have progressed and being so enhanced by being a parent, even if it is a lot of hard work. This makes me kind of sad.
today (my thoughts on having kids change weekly) i wouldn't mind having a kid or two. notice how i didn't say baby? yeah, i don't want one of those. i'd only give birth if i was guaranteed to have a baby just like zoe, the one baby who comes to my baby storytimes. she's so cute and i can understand everything she's trying to say, but can't yet.
however, there's NO WAY i would pop out a baby right now. that's just plain stupid and irresponsible. its stupid and irresponsible to have a baby at any time when you're not financially stable and able to provide, let alone in an economic crisis.
and don't get me started on the pope...
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