Monday, March 2, 2009

My Movie

Like I mentioned before, I make movies to amuse myself and friends. Sometimes they're funny. Sometimes they're retarded. Either way, I like 'em. Enjoy.
"The Plumber"

"Last & The Curious"

"Last & The Curious 2: Even Curiouser"

"Sword Fight"

"The Pants Dance"

"Human Pigeon"

"The Crappening"

"In Memory"

"Voltron: The Movie"

"Speed Racer: 2"

"Mondays With Michael"

"The Last Man On Erf"

"Batman: Dark Victory"

"Alex & Dante At The Movies!"

"Enter The Carne!"

"Dante In '08!"

"HATE Inc."

"Living Room Wrestling Roster '08"

"Doom Mates Trailer"

"Doom Mates Episode 1: The Doo Doo Incident"

"Doom Mates Episode 2: Manners"

"Who Is Tha Fantom?"

"Stepdaddy Shoot Interview"

1 comment:

Hoozle said...

It's taking me ages to get through these as I keep replaying the first ones and laughing.