Sunday, January 26, 2014

Dante's Fuckit List Entry 13

The world is a wondrous place. Or so I've heard. The furthest I've ever been was San Francisco and Las Vegas. Yes, that's it. I don't have a strong desire to go any further than that. There have been times when I was close to heading very far from home but things happened and so I am still here and loving it. Some people have seen things around the world that they believe made them a new person. I've listened to podcasts that have done the same thing. I think I win. Despite the world being this vast thing full of so many strange cultures and places I just can't bring myself to care.

See Any Of The Seven Wonders Of The World

Ooh, look. Stuff humans made. I know that these things are supposed to be breathtaking and amazing but I just am not built to give a damn. Not knocking any of you that have seen these things or want to, but they are just things to me. Thing humans have made that litter the planet and are crumbling over time.

The things I want to see are other planets and strange natural shit like the Northern Lights. That is a crazy phenomenon. But I don't need to see a statue. I don't need to see a big structure just sitting there falling apart. I just don't. Call me uncultured. Whatever. Just be thankful that my small carbon footprint from not driving and flying all around the globe is counteracting all the damage your active ass has done.

Click here for previous Dante's Fuckit Lists.

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