Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Dante Vs. Nature 32

When I was a little kid I watched this movie called Piranha’s that jacked with my head. I could watch films about serial killers, monsters, and even Jaws and not really give a damn. But show me a movie about a bunch of sharp toothed fish and suddenly I don't ever want to go anywhere that has these in their waters. A few weeks ago in Buenos Aires, Argentina about 70 people got to experience my nightmare.

"You didn't plan on sleeping, did ya?!"

It was hot as hell and a lot of people decided to take a dip in the water when all of a sudden people were all “This water is way more bitey than usual!” They likely said it in a different language or with accents so it sounded way more urgent. Next thing you know people are getting right the fuck out of the water because these fish called palometas which are a form of piranha are attacking them like some sort of...piranhas.

He's asking how long until he can get back into the water.

It is being said that the warm water made the demon fish come closer to shore but I say its just a natural progression of nature to be an asshole. The beach was closed down but within half an hour the people of Argentina were like”Fuck that its hot!” and went right back in the water. These little bastards can smell blood from two miles away, have a bite more powerful than a damned great white shark, and is three times stronger than an alligator's. That is such unfair bullshit. Its not enough that it can breathe underwater. It has to attack in groups and have a bite that is worse than two other toothy ass creatures? Fucking nature, man.

Click here for previous Dante Vs. Nature.  

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