Sunday, March 30, 2014

"Teenage Dirtbag" Part 6

After Camaro dragged Lord's body into the bathtub containing sodium hydroxide with a small, flat heating unit set to 270 degrees underneath he knew he had a few hours until the body dissolved so he went into the living room and sat on the couch next to his aunt Stacy. She watched him sit down and sighed. He nudged her cigarettes closer.

“Thanks” she said.

“You are welcome” he replied.

“No” she said. “Not just for this. For handling Lord. Normally I would've done it but since I used to date the guy it makes it a bit awkward. That son of a bitch. I can't believe he tried to kill us. Something is really wrong. We need to find out who hired him and kill them.”

“How do you suggest we begin?” Camaro asked. He slid the ashtray towards Stacy before she could flick the ashes on the floor.

“Reverse track the asshole” she said. “How good are your computer skills?”

“Very good” he said.

“Okay then” Stacy said and took a long drag from her cigarette, sending her into a coughing fit. “Jesus. That was a good one. Anyway, I need you to get every number from Lord's phone. Names, addresses, whatever you can find. Obviously our services are no longer needed.” Stacy paused and waited for a reaction from Camaro. After getting none she continued. “When we're finished we gotta move. You okay with that?”

“Yes” he said.

“Good” she said as she bit her bottom lip.

“Question” Camaro said. Stacy nodded. “With both of our reputations it is very likely that Lord was not the only person sent to assassinate us. Though he was known as being one of the best sending him alone for both of us would be foolish.”

“So what do you suggest?” Stacy asked.

“Gather every weapon we have and while Lord continues to dissolve we take turns keeping watch of our immediate area” he said. “After Lord is taken care of we leave.” Stacy nodded, mashed out her cigarette, and left the room. Camaro went to his room and grabbed his laptop. He felt the hairs stand on the back of his neck and went to his window. He peered out and saw Antonio E. Bagram standing on his porch across the street. Camaro removed Lord's phone from his pocket and dialed back the last number to call. Antonio removed his phone from his pocket at the same time.

“Hey, neighbor” Antonio said. Camaro did not respond. “The fact that you're calling me means that maybe Lord wasn't as good as everyone said he was. Think you could put him on the phone? I want my money back.” Silence. “Did you kill Lord?”


“Well...shit” Antonio said. “Where is his now?”

“The bathtub” Camaro said.

“The bathtub? Then what?” Antonio asked.

“Most of him will go down the drain” Camaro responded. “You can come over and see if you want.” Camaro realized that he was starting to feel something that most people have described to him: annoyance.

“Most people invite friends over for cookies” Antonio laughed. “Not to watch bodies melt!”

“We are not friends” Camaro said and hung up. He ducked just in time to dodge a bullet that shattered his bedroom window. Camaro then felt his lips do something they had not done since he was a small child.

Camaro smiled.

Stacy burst into the room low holding a Desert Eagle .50 caliber handgun. She saw Camaro smiling and shrugged as she put the gun away. Camaro reached under his bed and grabbed his AR-15. He walked past his aunt and rushed downstairs. He pulled the front door open and unloaded 800 rounds into Antonio's home.

End of Season One.  

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