Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Kids These Days 37

There is this 18 year old kid from York, Pennsylvania that got into trouble for breaking the rules in the best way possible. No, not by sleeping with a teacher. That's so every other time but right now. Patrick Farves decided to ask Miss America Nina Davuluri to the prom. This is something that was kinda out of control a couple of years back. Soldiers would ask celebrities because you'd look like a dick to say no to someone defending the country. “He took a bullet for our country and you can't skip one highfalutin Hollywood party and take this man to a dance?!” they would cry.

The school knew what he was planning and told him not to do it. He knows what Nina looks like so he probably said “Fuck that!” and hollered at her during a question and answer session at his school.

Patrick was suspended for three days for asking Miss America out on a date. She couldn't go to the pro with him anyway because her schedule is busy (that's what the all say...) so either way he wasn't gonna be getting that sweet, world famous ass. He apologized because Nina wasn't there to just stand there, look pretty, and be harassed by horndog ass kids. No. She was there to talk about how important science, technology, and math studies are.

Mmm! So important.

If the school told him not to do something than he shouldn't have. Somehow they knew beforehand that he was planning this which is how they were able to tell him not to try it. But penis. That is my answer. This kid was either thinking with his dick or wanted to be famous for nonsense. Which he now is. But think of all the chicks that may not want to go with him to the prom because they are automatically his Plan B. I am used to being Plan B. for most women, but a lot of chicks don't care for that shit. Hopefully the suspension doesn't fuck him over too much and he gets to at least touch Miss America's legs.

Click here for previous Kids These Days.  

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