Sunday, January 18, 2015

Teacher Gives Best/Worst Assignment

When teachers aren't having sex with students or being a positive influence they are making up dumb ass assignments. Patricia Lorenzen who is a middle school teacher at Kingsview Middle School asked her English students in four classes to wrote a story describing how they would kill her. The story had to have at least three gerunds (a form that is derived from a verb but that functions as a noun), three infinitives (the basic form of a verb, without an inflection binding it to a particular subject or tense) and three participles (a word formed from a verb and used as an adjective). All shit that doesn't matter as an adult.

After complaints by some parents she then thought that maybe this was a terrible idea. Some students had already finished the work, likely with far too much glee and a speed that terrified witnesses. The principal James D'Andrea issued a statement.

“The teacher stated in the letter to parents that she was trying to engage students in reviewing some grammar concepts. However, she has acknowledged that she used poor judgment with this assignment, and it absolutely should not have occurred. She has apologized to parents and there have been no further issues regarding her assignments. Since this is a personnel matter, I can’t say more at this time. When this occurred more than two months ago, I personally apologized on behalf of the school to the parents who contacted me. The matter has settled down since that time.” That's what he thinks.

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