Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Dude, What The F**k?! 4

You lay with dogs you get fleas. You sleep with whores you get the herpa-derp. You play with snakes because somehow Jesus told you to you get bitten and die. Pastor Jamie Coots who was (past tense) on a show called Snake Salvation got his hand bitten by a viper. He believed that handling snakes was part of god's commandments and god's will. How can he get folks to believe that crazy shit but I can't get chicks to believe that red draws help keep the devil away?! Anyhoot, he got his ass bit and died.

“When I first started church I said if I ever went to a hospital or a doctor over a snake bite I would quit church” he once said because he's not a quitter. He got bit once before and instead of going to the doctor he let the shit rot and fall off like some kinda church lovin' zombie. Then because he's a sucker for romance he kept it in a jar for his wife. Police came to help his dumb ass but he was already gone by the time they arrived because he is serious when it comes to getting bit.

They went to his home to talk to him and he still refused to get any medical help. An hour later they came to pick up his corpse. He was given a years probation back in 2013 for crossing state lines with snakes and arrested in 2008 for having 74 of them in his home. A statement was released after his passing. “Those risks were always worth it to him and his congregants as a means to demonstrate their unwavering faith. We were honored to be allowed such unique access to Pastor Jamie and his congregation during the course of our show, and give context to his method of worship. Our thoughts are with his family at this difficult time.”

They're creepy and they're cooky...

Nope. If I met someone in my life and found out that they thought that handling snakes was a way to worship god I would nod and slowly back away from them. I think its strange to give 10% of your money to church. Imagine how I feel about dancing around the church with snakes. If you think I sit as far in the back during regular church as possible picture me in this guys place. I would be in the parking lot with a stick and one hand on the car door. The thing is that they will find some way to twist this into a positive.

Click here for previous Dude What The F**k?! Posts.

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