I talk to a lot of women. No, not like that. Not like that at all. Perhaps 85% of contact I have with people is woman contact. That sounds far sexier than the reality of the situation. One of the things I have noticed is that like most humans they communicate primarily through text messaging. Inevitably, while talking to men things get lost in translation and the next thing you know dick pics are sent, people are confused, arrests are made. Its a whole thing that could've been avoided if I was involved.
So I am gonna try and save you ladies a
lot of uncomfortable situation by showing what you write to guys and
what they see. It has been said that men and women speak a different
language. I don't think this is true. There are just people who say
what they really feel and some that are afraid of hurting people's
feelings. Fuck their feelings. Embrace your inner robot. We live in
the future!